Howard Hall

Braintree Masonic Centre


36 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex. CM7 9AA


01376 323 347



07738 668 387


Anglia Conclave 288 Order of the Sacred Monitor

The Order is founded on the remarkable friendship that existed between David and Jonathan and is rightly known as the “Friendly Order”. It has a unique history and 3 varied and interesting Degree Ceremonies. It takes it’s rise from the fact that every Brother in a Conclave (Lodge) is assigned a visiting Deacon, who is duty bound to contact his charges by telephone, or preferably in writing, at least once between meetings to enquire as to the welfare of the Brother and his family. This is the fundamental principal of the Order in that it establishes a ‘friendship’ between the visiting Deacon and his allocated Brethren.

The regalia is simple and consists of a breast jewel of two triangles interlaced with three arrows (see below) suspended on a ribbon with different colours for the first and second degrees. The third degree is the Installation of the Supreme Ruler (Master).

Anglia Conclave No.288 meets three times a year at Braintree on 2nd Thursday of January, 4th Thursday in April and 4th Thursday in September (Installation). Its current members are also members of lodges in Braintree and the surrounding area.

If you are interested and require further information then go to the OSM Provincial website at or for more simple and friendly advice contact John Pike below

Secretary Contact Details
Name: John Pike
Phone: 01376 331399 or 07530 708614